April 10th at 1PM: Jammin’ For Jobs – Free Concert!
This event will bring Joy To The People through music, art, culture, and story-telling in Charleston, Morgantown, and Martinsburg, WV, while bringing to light how the THRIVE Act will benefit West Virginians, including 50,000 new jobs a year, and $5.2 Billion Dollars invested in our state
Transformational Healing by Renewing and Investing in a Vibrant Economy! Let West Virginia THRIVE!
Jammin’ For Jobs is part of THRIVE 10 Days of Action, in partnership with the WV New Jobs Coalition.
Charleston, WV – Speakers, performances by The Carpenter Ants and John D. Morris
Morgantown, WV – Speakers, performances by Hillbilly Gypzies and The Greens.
Martinsburg, WV – Speakers, performances by Lucia Valentine, Emily Miller & Jesse Milnes, and Mink’s Miracle Medicine.
Interpreter ASL signing by Martec Washington